It is the policy of JT Wimsatt Contracting Company, Inc. to operate in a manner that is protective of our employees, customers, and the environment. The implementation of this policy is guided and directed by the Environmental Management System that encourages continual improvement in achievement of the following goals:

Regulatory Compliance
We will meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations and other requirements we subscribe to.
Prevention of Pollution
We will seek to cost-effectively avoid the creation of pollution and unnecessary waste from our operations and to manage remaining waste through safe and responsible methods and vendors.
We will strive to diminish our consumption of natural resources through cost-effective use of recycled and reused materials and conservation of energy and water.
Emissions and Effluents
We will work to improve the environmental quality of emissions and effluents by employing cost effective operational controls, and by diligently monitoring operational indicators, and implementing corrective and preventive actions whenever necessary.
Ecology and Habitats
We will protect habitats, wetlands, and other sensitive ecological resources in accordance with applicable regulations and local ordinances.
We will communicate this policy to all employees and those (e.g., subcontractors) working on our behalf. We will make it available to the public, and establish procedures to receive and respond to inquiries from external interested parties. We will be an environmentally responsible neighbor in the community where we operate. We will act quickly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, owr the environment, report them to the authorities promptly, and inform everyone who may be affected.

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